is a private request of mine. Please help me think about it.”
“Ah, um, it’s okay. This is a trivial matter, classmate Wang Bo, we can just transfer you to Class 5.” Li Fang said hurriedly, winking at Peng Shuangquan, and asked He should stop worrying about Class 1 or Class 5. Wouldn’t it be enough to swap the teachers in Class 1 with Class 5 at that time? As for the grades of the students in Class 5, they were just barely. Maybe Wang Bo just wanted to avoid being with students who had very good grades. After all, judging from what he just said, he doesn’t plan to take many classes outside of C. He may even drop out of school in his sophomore or junior year, like in high school. If you want to learn English well, you have to put in a lot of effort. If Wang Bo misses too many classes, his grades will definitely not be satisfactory. If there is a huge gap between him and those with good grades in the class, he will not be able to live up to his expectations.
Perhaps this is the real reason why he chose Class Five.
Li Fang worked on her own, feeling that she might have guessed Wang Bo’s true intention of changing the class.
At this point, the negotiation between the “three representatives” outside c and Wang Bo has basically come to an end, and everyone is happy.
/It was approaching noon, and Wang Bo was going to treat three teachers who had come from afar to have a casual meal. Li Fang and others insisted on hiring them, saying how could students hire teachers? In today’s society, isn’t it normal for students to hire teachers? Wang Bo cursed in his heart, but still tried to persuade him. He gave up after seeing the three teachers insisting on inviting him and Cheng Wenjin. I thought to myself, it’s just taking public funds anyway, if you don’t take it you’ll get it for free!
The place to eat was decided to be at a high-end Sichuan restaurant near the hotel where the three of them were staying. The three of them drove the Passat, the principal’s car, while Wang Bo followed behind in his own Audi A6, carrying Cheng Wenjin.
While going to eat, Cheng Wenjin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, joked about Wang Bo, saying that C was not asking him to study, but begging him to study. It’s enough for him to be a student.
Wang Bo shrugged his shoulders and said with a disapproving look on his face: “Sister, don’t be fooled by the ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘sincerity’ of these three people. In today’s colleges and universities, if there is no profit, you will not be able to start early. It is very realistic and will never They are engaged in loss-making business. If I was not famous and was just an ordinary student, you would never see the face they showed in front of me today.”
Speaking of this, Wang Bo couldn’t help but think of how he, as a very poor student in his previous life, went to lead the school. He received a subsidy of 60 yuan a year, and the teacher who stamped it with the Student Affairs Office looked at him with the same expression and eyes as if he was giving alms to a dog! Wang Bo only received one once