The reason is very simple. According to the reported work progress, the artificial canal is expected to be completed by the end of the year and is expected to be open to navigation in February next year.
With the Grand Canal and the outlet to the sea, how could we not have our own shipyard?
/Once you take this step, your money will truly flow like water. Last year’s fiscal deficit was 320,000 gold coins, which also included the expenses of his lord’s wedding.
By next year, once the navigation plan is released, it is estimated that the shipyard project alone will be able to squander this number.
Not only is the ship expensive, the magic circle carved on the ship is even more expensive.
A New Year’s letter to book friends
Time flies, and it’s 2023 in a flash.
In the past year, Haiyue has been both sweet and bitter, and I would like to thank readers for your companionship along the way.
I would like to wish you all a happy New Year in advance and wish you all happiness, good health, abundant wealth, all the best, and happiness every day in the new year!
It is inevitable to make a summary at the end of the year. Haiyue is here to follow the trend and take stock of the experience of the past year.
I finished the old book in the first half of the year and there is not much to say. The book “King”, which was opened on June 28, has 1.33 million words as of today, and the average daily update is less than 7,000 words, which is shameful!
Especially after December’s yang period, the single update mode was started, and Haiyue needed to make a strict review. It will definitely not explode during the New Year period. We will fight again next year.
First set a target of 2.4 million words for the coming year, which will be divided into 200,000 words per month. It is very challenging. Readers are welcome to come and supervise.
Shanghai Yue is very relieved about the issue of reminders. When you open the book review area, you will know that it is from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
Reporting on the results, “The King” has created the best record since Haiyue joined the industry, greatly exceeding Wan Jun’s expectations when the book was opened.
The current average order is close to 25,000, and it should be able to break through during the Spring Festival. If readers support it, it may be able to break through tomorrow.
Reaching this subscription number depends entirely on the support of readers. Thank you all for your sincere companionship.
The author who updates too little has no time to talk nonsense here. Haiyue will work hard in the new year!
New year, new start!
Happy New Year to everyone!
——I will always love you Haiyue
Bathed in the spring breeze and riding a tall horse, Hudson stepped out of Beda City under the fiery eyes of the ladies.
The dragon knight became a horse knight, but his personal charm was not affected at all.
The only regret is that the mini bear on his shoulder kept waving its paws to the crowd, stealing many shots.
Obviously, M